2 killed in L39 crash in Boulder
21 May 2012Ace combat, so much fun
4 June 2012Be a real fighter pilot ! We have started to have some serious fun with our friends in France, offering real air combat experience. Except of course, the shooting is laser guided, and if you shoot right, the smoke system engages and you can see your opponent smoking, just like the plane would if it had been touched by live amo. The experience is amazing and you will feel like a real fighter pilot.
The program lasts a full day. You are welcomed by the team in St Estephe, near Bordeaux. All are fighter pilots, some active, others are early retired from the French Air Force, but all have extensive experience in flying jet fighters. They will brief you in the morning on how to fly an aircraft, but also the basic air combat maneuvers. After lunch, you will be put in situation, with too aircraft taking off, one baddy and yourself. Your mission will be to shoot the aircraft down.
That’s when the fun starts. You will be in control of the aircraft in the air, but be reassured, there is a real fighter pilot in the back seat. You will engage in air combat and put in practive what you have learned in the morning. There two flights during the afternoon with a debrief in between, to perfect your technique. This is one truly amazing experience, and it is beautifully set in the wine region of Medoc, which makes it a nice weekend destination. For more information, check out Tematis and their website: http://uk.tematis.com/en/182-air-combat-dogfight