10 December 2012

Merry Xmas and Best wishes for 2013

All the team joins me in wishing you the very best for the end of the year and especially for 2013. May all your wishes come true. We have had a fantastic year thanks to all of you who have flown with us, in France, Russia, Switzerland, USA, Latvia. It was a […]
26 November 2012

The first Russian jet fighters

Not only in the Soviet Union quickly filled the technological gap throughout the war that had separated them from the other powers , but the USSR also managed to develop in secret and in a very short time similar aircrafts if not superior, to those of the block of Western countries. The […]
19 November 2012

Hungarian Gripen to police Slovenian air space

Every country should be protected, but unfortunately, protection costs a lot of money as you need to either manufacturer yourself or purchase the tools to protect you, such as jet fighters, tanks, and so forth. So when countries do not have the budget to purchase such defensive weapons, they get into alliances, […]
12 November 2012

China unveils new jet fighter

China unveiled its latest jet fighter, the J-31 Falcon Eagle which looks remarkably like earlier models of a twin-engine variant of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. We would not think for minute that China would copy… This is the second fighter unveiled to the public, after the J-20 Black Eagle stealth fighter, […]
5 November 2012

Sukhoi and MiGs: allies or ennemis ?

Despite being on same side for a very long time, Mikoyan Gurevitch and Sukhoi have become competitors due to free market. The changing economic conditions have transformed the way these two units function. These last years, Sukhoi has been gaining more markets than MiG, and the net result has been announced just […]
29 October 2012

More jet fighters for India

India is getting ready for a fighter, after announcing purchases of trainer jet fighters, the confirmation of the ability to export the Sukhoi T-50, now India announces the purchase of more jet fighters from Russia. Russia and India have signed a $1.5-billion contract on the supplies of 29 more MiG-29K carrier-based fighter […]
15 October 2012

Faster than the speed of sound

Congratulations Felix Baumgartner! That was an amazing jump. We all held our breath for about 4mn. Great performance. Felix Baumgartner, Austrian skydiver, base jumper and adventurer finally executed his jump with the Redbull Stratos team. After 2 hours in a capsule, he reached the altitude of 120,000 ft, or 39km and after […]
8 October 2012

Video fighter pilot experience

Video fighter pilot experience. We love this experience so much that we can not resist presenting a new video of the fighter pilot experience. A dogfight, or dog fight, is a form of aerial combat between fighter aircraft; in particular, combat of maneuver at short range, where each side is aware of […]