28 April 2014

Kate is the Top Gun!

Recently Kate and William went on tour to Australia and took the time to visit an airbase, get in a fighter jet, and fly the plane in a simulator. Debrett’s Guide to Etiquette does not include advice on how to get in and out of a fighter jet in a ladylike fashion, […]
16 April 2014

The jet fighter low cost

Any country around the world will have the objective to cut costs. Even China will go this way and especially when it comes to military expenditures. So what if a company was coming inti the market with a low cost fighter jet, but that still would work like a superbly expensive fighter […]
24 February 2014

Formation flying in a jet fighter in Paris

Want a new experience ? Try out formation flying in a jet fighter! Live the thrills of a jet fighter ride whilst flying in formation. This is a great flying experience to share and to feel like a Top Gun! Enjoy the incredible sensations and views of the other aircraft while flying […]
20 January 2014

Become a fighter pilot

We will start our jet fighter rides around early April this year to ensure weather is perfect for your rides. However, you need to try out this amazing experience: being a fighter pilot. It’s a real shoot them up, with real planes, authentic fighter pilots, and real guns (well, laser guns). This […]
2 December 2013

China raises tensions in Asian skies

China is moving to push its claims over disputed islands with Japan and is making it known by restricting its airspace. As a result, the U.S. moved forcefully to try to counter China’s bid for influence over increasingly jittery Asian neighbors by sending a pair of B-52 bombers over disputed islands in […]
25 November 2013

China launches stealth drone

China is going at drones as well! This morning has seen the maiden flight of the first Chinese stealth drone. The first Chinese stealth unmanned combat drone conducted a successful maiden flight according to accounts by Chinese media and photos taken from a popular Chinese military website. Lijian, or “sharp sword” in […]
17 November 2013

Declassified CIA documents finally acknowledges area 51

Declassified CIA documents finally acknowledges area 51.Groom Lake finally exists and is recognized. This has been one of the most and longest US national security denials. The revelation has come to light thanks to a Freedom of Information (FOIA) request by the National Security Archive at George Washington University (GWU). Area 51, […]
4 November 2013

What is VSTOL ?

This strange acronym stands for Vertical and/or Short Take-Off and Landing aircraft. It actually describes a system whereby the aircraft is designed to take-off and land on very short runways, and air strips. The technology has been developed in the 1950s, and pushed today to aircrafts capable of hovering to take off […]