7 February 2019

A simpler F-16 jet fighter

Madrid, four December 2018 – Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) and Airbus have signed an agreement to jointly discover opportunities to meet the rising demand for aerial refuelling for US defence customers. The businesses will search to provide aerial-refuelling companies to handle any identified capacity shortfall and to fulfill requirements for the next […]
6 February 2019

Enhancing pilot training

The Air Power’s group of its small F-22 fleet has not maximized the availability of these 186 aircraft. Availability is constrained by maintenance challenges and unit organization. For instance, stealth is a central function of the F-22 and, according to Air Power officials, sustaining the stealth coating on the skin of the […]
6 February 2012

The Rafale is going to India

France’s Dassault Rafale has won a $10 billion tender for 126 fighter aircraft from the Indian Air Force, NDTV reported on Tuesday, quoting unnamed Air Force sources. A final contract signing will take place only in the next financial year however, local media said quoting a Defense Ministry source. If the report […]