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4 January 2023
Why some fighter jets are famous
6 January 2023It is difficult to define a perfect fighter aircraft, as the ideal characteristics will depend on the operational environment, missions and objectives being pursued. However, here are some characteristics that might be considered important for a perfect fighter aircraft:
Superior flight capability
A perfect fighter aircraft should have superior flight capability, with high maximum speed, exceptional maneuverability and excellent high-speed stability.
Superior flight capability for a perfect fighter aircraft refers to the performance characteristics of the aircraft in flight. It can include several elements, such as:
High maximum speed: a high maximum speed allows the aircraft to move quickly and react quickly to combat situations.
Exceptional maneuverability: Exceptional maneuverability allows the aircraft to change direction, speed, and heading quickly and accurately, which can be critical in evading enemies or attacking a target.
Excellent high-speed stability: Excellent high-speed stability allows the aircraft to maintain a precise course and perform accurate maneuvers even at high speeds.
Other performance characteristics: Other performance characteristics, such as the ability to fly at high altitudes, the ability to perform short takeoffs and landings, or the ability to achieve high accelerations, may also be important for superior flight capability.
It is important to note that superior flight capability will also depend on the overall design of the aircraft and its propulsion and control systems.

The Propulsion System
The propulsion system for a perfect fighter aircraft will depend on the operational environment and the missions being pursued. However, here are some elements that might be considered important for an effective propulsion system:
High propulsion power: a propulsion system must be capable of providing high propulsion power to allow the aircraft to reach high speeds and perform fast maneuvers.
Low fuel consumption: a propulsion system must be fuel efficient to allow the aircraft to fly long distances and conduct long duration missions.
Low noise and infrared signature: A propulsion system must be designed to emit as little noise and infrared signature as possible to reduce its detectability by enemies.
Ease of service and maintenance: a propulsion system must be easy to service and maintain to allow for maximum aircraft availability.
It is important to note that the ideal propulsion system will also depend on the overall design of the aircraft and its other performance characteristics. To be effective, a propulsion system must be designed to optimize its performance while integrating with the rest of the aircraft and meeting the needs and objectives of the aircraft.
Versatility in flight capability
A perfect fighter aircraft must be capable of flying at very high altitudes, very high speeds, and low speeds to be versatile and capable of performing a wide range of air combat missions.
Here are some reasons why the fighter aircraft must be capable of flying at very high altitude, very high speed and low speed:
Enemy overflight capability: the perfect fighter aircraft must be able to fly at very high altitudes so that it can fly over enemies without being detected. This allows it to carry out reconnaissance and surveillance missions undetected.
Maneuverability: The perfect fighter must be able to fly at very high speeds and maneuver in an agile manner to be able to track and outmaneuver enemies in air combat.
Ground support mission capability: the perfect fighter must be able to fly at low speed and maneuver accurately to be able to conduct ground support missions, such as attacking ground targets or protecting ground troops.
It is important to note that the versatility of the fighter aircraft will also depend on its navigation, communication and detection systems, as well as its weapons and defense systems.
Air combat capability
A perfect fighter aircraft should be equipped with effective weapons and defense systems, and be able to fight effectively in a variety of conditions and against different types of enemies.
Survivability: a perfect fighter aircraft should be designed to withstand damage and be able to continue flying even in the event of severe damage. It should also be equipped with missile defense systems and crew protection devices.
The air combat capability of the perfect fighter aircraft refers to its ability to fight effectively in the airspace. It can include several elements, such as:
Performance weapons: the perfect fighter aircraft must be equipped with performance and versatile weapons, which allow it to fight effectively at different distances and against different types of enemies.
High-performance defense systems: The perfect fighter must be equipped with high-performance defense systems, such as homing missiles or cannons, that allow it to effectively defend itself against air attacks.
Sensors and target detection systems: The perfect fighter aircraft must be equipped with effective sensors and target detection systems that allow it to accurately detect and track enemies.
Communication and coordination systems: The perfect fighter must be equipped with effective communication and coordination systems that allow it to communicate with other aircraft and airspace defense commands and to coordinate its actions with those of its allies.
It is important to note that air combat capability will also depend on the training and experience of the aircraft crew and the combat strategy adopted. To be effective, an air combat strategy must be tailored to the needs and objectives of the aircraft and take into account the operational environment and enemy characteristics.

Low radar signature
The radar signature of a perfect fighter aircraft should be as low as possible to reduce its detectability by enemy radars. Several techniques can be used to reduce the radar signature of a fighter aircraft, including:
The use of absorbing materials: certain materials, such as composite plastic or radar absorbing concrete, can be used to reduce the reflection of radar waves.
Use of smooth aerodynamic shapes: Smooth aerodynamic shapes can reduce the presence of edges that could reflect radar waves.
Use of cloaking devices: Devices such as radar camouflage covers or infrared camouflage systems can be used to hide the aircraft from enemy radar.
The use of jamming technologies: jamming technologies can be used to disrupt enemy radars and make the aircraft less detectable.
It is important to note that the radar signature of a fighter aircraft will also depend on its speed, altitude and relative position to enemy radars. To be effective, a radar signature reduction strategy must take these factors into account and be tailored to the needs and objectives.
An aircraft that is easy to fly
The perfect fighter aircraft must be easy to fly in order to minimize errors and accidents associated with handling the aircraft. To be easy to fly, the fighter aircraft must respond accurately and consistently to the pilot’s commands and be easy to control.
There are several elements that can contribute to making the fighter aircraft easy to fly:
Automated control systems: the perfect fighter aircraft must be equipped with automated control systems that help the pilot keep the aircraft in a safe configuration and perform accurate maneuvers.
Displays and data systems: The perfect fighter aircraft must have clear, easy-to-understand displays and data systems that allow the pilot to monitor aircraft status and make informed decisions.
Pilot training: the perfect fighter aircraft must be designed to be easily handled by pilots, who must be properly trained to control the aircraft.
Ergonomic design: the perfect fighter aircraft must be ergonomically designed, with a comfortable cockpit and controls that are easy to reach and use.
It is important to note that ease of handling will also depend on the flight conditions and operational environment. To be effective, the fighter aircraft must be designed to be easy to fly in different situations and environments.
An aircraft paired with drones
A perfect fighter aircraft could be paired with drones, also known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), to enhance its surveillance, reconnaissance and combat capabilities. Drones can be used in a variety of ways to support a fighter aircraft, including:
Surveillance and reconnaissance: drones can be used to monitor and recognize the fighter’s environment, providing real-time data on enemy movements and positions and allowing the fighter to plan its actions more effectively.
Combat support: drones can be used to support the fighter aircraft in combat, attacking targets or defending the fighter aircraft against enemy attacks.
Specialized mission: drones can be used to perform specialized missions, such as power line repair or search and rescue, that might be dangerous or difficult for the fighter pilot to accomplish.
Increased range and mission time: drones can fly for long periods of time and reach considerable distances, which can increase the range and mission time of the fighter aircraft.
Reduced crew risk: drones can be used to perform dangerous or exposed missions, which can reduce risk to the fighter aircraft crew.
Flexibility and adaptability: the use of drones can increase the flexibility and adaptability of the fighter aircraft, which can be used in a more targeted and precise manner thanks to onboard data.

A “scary” aircraft
The perfect fighter aircraft can be scary and have a reputation for invincibility if its performance, combat capability, and reputation for quality are superior to its potential enemies. If the fighter aircraft is known to be able to carry out its missions effectively and withstand all kinds of attacks, it can instill a respectful fear in its enemies and give them the impression that it is invincible.
Here are some things that can contribute to fear and a reputation for invincibility:
Superior combat capability: superior combat capability, which includes capable weapons and effective defense systems, can instill fear and the impression that the fighter is invincible.
Low casualty rate: a low casualty rate, which shows that the fighter is capable of surviving many combat situations, can contribute to its reputation of invincibility.
Quality of construction and maintenance: superior construction and maintenance can contribute to the fighter’s reputation for invincibility by ensuring that it remains serviceable and functional even after being subjected to high stresses.
Crew training and experience: high-level training and experience of the fighter aircraft’s crew can contribute to its reputation.
There are many fighter aircraft that have earned a reputation for quality and are feared in air combat. Some examples include:
F-22 Raptor: The F-22 Raptor is a multipurpose fighter aircraft designed to perform air combat, surveillance and reconnaissance missions. It is considered one of the most advanced and capable fighter aircraft in the world, and is feared by potential enemies for its exceptional combat capability and maneuverability.
F-35 Lightning II: The F-35 Lightning II is a versatile fighter aircraft designed to perform air combat, surveillance and ground support missions. It is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and is considered one of the most advanced and versatile fighter aircraft in the world.
Su-35 Flanker-E: The Su-35 Flanker-E is a multirole fighter aircraft designed to perform air combat and ground support missions. It is considered one of Russia’s most advanced and capable fighter aircraft, and is feared for its exceptional combat capability and maneuverability.
J-20 Mighty Dragon: The J-20 Mighty Dragon is considered one of China’s most advanced and capable fighter aircraft and is feared by potential enemies for its exceptional combat capability and maneuverability.
These latest aircraft are getting closer and closer to the concept of the perfect fighter aircraft.
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